Matter in our Surroundings – Greek theory on Matter

What is the Greek theory on matter?

During ancient Greek times, scientific enquiry was at its peak. Let us look at theories about matter from two great minds from that era.

(i) Empedocles’ theory of four elements

Empedocles identified four elements that were the basis of all matter; fire, water, earth and air. He referred to them as roots. Just as roots are the very basis from which all other things arise, Empedocles believed that different combinations of these four elements give rise to different things.

(ii) Aristotle’s theory about matter

Aristotle understood matter as something which has no boundaries but occupies space in this world.

For example, we can get butter from milk. But both milk and butter are made of the same thing. What went in as milk came out as butter after being churned.

What is the Indian concept of matter?

Ancient philosophers in India too studied matter. They proposed a theory of the Panchatatva which is almost similar to the Empedocles theory of the four elements. Indian philosophers, however, added a fifth element to the four elements of the Greeks; the sky.

Modern-day theories on matter

Modern-day scientists find the ancient theories infallible. However, they are attempting at narrowing down the classifications of matter and are studying more about it.

Let us have a brief introduction to matter.

What is Matter?

Matter is any substance that occupies space and has mass.

For example, milk poured in a container, occupies the space in the container. And its mass helps it move or stay at a place.

Everything around us is made up of matter. For example, water, air, food, clothes etc. Both living and non-living things are made up of matter.

Matter may change into other forms but it always remains constant in the universe.