Male Reproductive System

What is Sexual Reproduction?

  • The type of reproduction which involves the fusion of gametes or sex cells to give rise to a new individual is called Sexual reproduction.
  • The newly formed individual will have a blend of Thus, it gives rise to variations in organisms.
  • In sexual reproduction, there are two types of gametes or sex cells. The male gamete is called Sperm and the female gamete is called Ovum or Egg cell.

Gametes / Sex cells

Gametes and Sex cells

What are the Parts of the Male Reproductive System?

The Male reproductive system is the site of production of sperms. The parts of the Male reproductive system are:

  • Testes – These are oval-shaped structures where sperms are produced. The single structure is called Testis while the pair is called Testes. It has a thick covering of skin over it which forms a bag-like structure called Scrotum. Thus, it is like a pouch which contains the
  • Epididymis – It is a mass of coils situated near the testes. The single structure is called Epididymis and the pair is called Epididymides. It carries the sperms outside the testes.
  • Vas deferens – Epididymis takes the sperms to a single connecting long coil called Vas deferens. It acts as a passage and carries the sperms to the next part of the male reproductive system.
  • Ejaculatory Ducts – Vas deferens carries the sperms to a short tube called the Ejaculatory ducts.
  • Seminiferous Vesicle – It is a gland which secretes a fluid that helps in nourishing the sperms.
  • Prostate Gland – It is a gland having bulb-like structure. It secretes the prostate fluid which helps the sperms to survive.
  • Cowper’s Gland or Bulbourethral Gland – It is a pea-shaped gland which gives another important secretion that protects the sperms from acidic The complete secretion from Seminiferous Vesicle, Prostate Gland and Cowper’s Gland produce a fluid called Semen.
  • Penis – Semen is carried by the urethra which runs through the Penis. These sperms will reach the female reproductive system and only one among all will be able to carry out the fertilization of the ovum.

Male Reproductive System

What does Sperm Look Like?

  • It is unicellular.
  • It bears a head region having the nucleus.
  • It has a middle part with the mitochondria for providing energy to the moving
  • It has a tail which helps in the swimming activity.




Sexual Reproduction The type of reproduction which involves the fusion of gametes or sex cells to give rise to a new individual is called Sexual reproduction.
Parts of the Male Reproductive System Testes
Vas deferens
Ejaculatory ducts
Glands (Seminiferous Vesicle, Prostate Gland, Cowper’s Gland orBulbourethral Gland)
Structure of Sperm Unicellular
Bears head, middle part and tail

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