Major components of foods


What are the functions of carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are regarded as the main energy source in the human diet and are often called as energy giving foods. Carbohydrates are the most important fuel to power the body.

What are the sources of carbohydrates?

Sources such as cereals, bread, potatoes and sugar are rich in carbohydrates and provide the body with tremendous energy.


What are the functions of proteins?

Proteins are major food nutrients that build, maintain and repair the tissues in the body. They act as building blocks and help in the repair of any damaged part of the body. They act as cement and maintain body structure.

Proteins are the main components of muscle cells and hence, are called Bodybuilding foods.

What are the sources of proteins?

Protein is obtained from plant sources such as pulses, beans etc. But animal sources such as milk, eggs, fish, and meat are higher in protein content compared to plant sources.


What are the functions of fats?

Fats are a vital part of our diet, though needed in very small amounts. Fat stores and provides a huge amount of energy. The energy is even higher than carbohydrates. That is the reason why they are also called Energy giving foods.

Fats also insulate our body and help us maintain a normal core body temperature.

However, if we eat too many fatty foods, it will get stored in excess within our body. As a result, we will gain more body weight than necessary.

What are the sources of fats?

Oils of all kinds originate from plants while cheese, butter, ghee are obtained from animals. These are all fat-rich foods. Most fruits and vegetables have almost no fat content.