Large Intestine, Rectum and Anus

What is Large intestine?

  • The large intestine, also known as the colon, is the part of the alimentary canal that is mainly responsible for the Absorption of Water into the
  • Absorption of inorganic ions like Sodium and Potassium also takes place in the large intestine.

What are the Different parts of the large intestine?

The large intestine is further divided into four parts: ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon.

● Ascending colon

The part where the food moves upward is called the ascending colon.

● Transverse colon

The part where the food moves across the colon is called transverse colon.

● Descending colon

The part where the food travels downwards is called the descending colon.

● Sigmoid colon

The large intestine ends with an S shape structure which is called the sigmoid colon.

What is Rectum?

Parts of the colon

Parts of the colon

The Rectum is the last part of the large intestine that stores the solid or semi-solid waste before being thrown out of the body.

What is Anus?

The Anus is a canal at the end of the gastrointestinal tract. The Anal Sphincters relax and the waste matter is excreted out of the body.