Kingdom Plantae – Phanerogamae

What are Phanerogams?

Flowers are the reproductive organs of the plants. The higher plants which carry out sexual reproduction are grouped in one family called Phanerogams. They contain flowers or flower- like structures.

Phanerogams are divided into two major types:

(i) Gymnosperms

  • Plants that prefer sexual reproduction but do not have structures like fruits to enclose seeds are called Gymnosperms.

For example, pine trees, spruce trees, conifer trees, etc.

  • They have structures called Cones which have open
  • These plants are woody and have an excellently developed vascular Most of them are perennial.

Gymnosperms	Cone

Gymnosperms                                     Cone

  • Angiosperms
  • Plants which have enclosed seeds are called Angiosperms.
  • They have a proper fruit to enclose the seeds
  • They have bright and beautiful

For example, banana, rose, hibiscus, etc.

  • They are considered to be the most complex and efficient types in the plant kingdom on the scale of
  • They are divided into two types: dicotyledons and

Angiosperms - Apple, Rose, Hibiscus

Angiosperms – Apple, Rose, Hibiscus

  • Angiosperms in which the seed has one cotyledon (the outer nourishing tissue) are called


For example, sugarcane, onion, garlic, rice, wheat, maize, etc.



  • Angiosperms in which the embryo is enclosed within two cotyledons are called


For example, pulses, peanuts, beans, lentils, cashews, fruit plants like mango, etc.

