Kingdom Animalia – Aschelminthes

What is Phylum Aschelminthes?

  • Aschelminthes are the organisms that have a cavity inside their They are also called

Roundworms or Nematodes.

  • They are a step higher than the Platyhelminthes on the scale of


  • They have an organ system grade of The body is usually cylindrical and has a tapering end.
  • The mouth consists of prominent structures like suckers and hooks to attach to the host body and derive nutrition from
  • The body is bilaterally symmetrical and can be divided into equal halves when cut through the central axis. They are triploblastic with three proper embryonic layers namely endoderm, mesoderm, and
  • They also contain a pseudocoelom, a pseudo cavity, present between the gut and the body
  • They are very rarely found in marine or freshwater habitats. Most of them are endoparasites, live inside the body of a host

For example, Ascaris, Wuchereria, etc.

Embryonic layers and Pseudocoelom

Which systems are present in roundworms?

  • They show a simple digestive system which helps in the breakdown of simple food molecules.
  • The excretory system is also quite simple and consists of canals and cells called


Digestive system and Excretory system

  • They lack a proper circulatory and respiratory system. These processes occur with the help of simple
  • The nervous system is poorly
  • Aschelminthes show sexual reproduction. They are unisexual organisms, males and females are separate individuals. Females are usually larger in size compared to males. Fertilisation is

Reproductive system
