Is matter around us pure? – Compounds and Their Characteristics

What are the characteristics of compounds?

  • A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed

For example, oxygen combines with hydrogen to form water. A single molecule of water has 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen.

  • The composition of a compound is the same

For example, every drop water is the same as it shows the same characteristics.

  • The properties of a compound are different from the properties of the combining elements.

For example, Oxygen aids combustion, that is it helps in burning, while hydrogen by itself is inflammable. But water, on the other hand, neither aids combustion and nor is it combustible. It is actually used to put out fires.

What are the differences between elements and compounds?

Elements Compounds
Made up of a single type of atom Made up of atoms of two or more elements
Cannot be further broken down by any chemical process Can be chemically separated into their constituent elements

What are the differences between mixtures and compounds?

Mixtures Compounds
Elements or compounds mix together to form a mixture. No new compound is formed Elements chemically combine and form an altogether new compound
Each constituent of a mixture retains its properties A compound has properties which differ from their constituent elements
The constituents in a mixture are not mixed in a fixed proportion The elements in a compound are combined in a fixed proportion
The constituents of a mixture can be separated by physical methods The constituents of a compound are chemically bonded. Hence cannot be separated by physical methods. They can only be separated by chemical or electrochemical reactions