Introduction to Water

Why is water important?

Water is life. It is necessary for all the activities that one performs daily. Right from quenching our thirst, to cooking, to cleaning ourselves to cleaning our clothes, there are numerous activities which involve the use of water. This is the reason why water is considered to be the most essential part of our lives.

Not only humans but even other organisms right from plants to other animals need water for their survival.

Every living cell present on this earth has a high-water content. All the substances required by a cell enter the membrane only by dissolving in water. That is the reason why organisms from a single-celled bacterium to a huge tree or animal – all are dependent largely on the water for their existence.

What are the different sources of water?

The major portion of the earth is covered with saltwater bodies like oceans and seas. Only some amount of freshwater is available for human use. Out of all the freshwater available, most of it is locked in the form of glaciers and ice. So how do we get the water that we use daily? In the upcoming segments, we will look at the major sources of water which we continuously access.