Introduction to Lightning

In the lesson Some Natural Phenomena, we will learn about two life-threatening calamities; Lightning and Earthquake. In the first segment, we will be introduced to the concept of lightning and Electrostatic charges.

What is Lightning?

Lightning is the discharge of electrostatic charges that occurs between surfaces.

What are Electrostatic Charges?

Electrostatic charges or static electric charges are charges that are developed when two objects are rubbed against each other. These charges lie on the surface of the objects and are static, that is, they do not move.

Let us understand this with a simple experiment.

If we bring a glass rod near pieces of paper, nothing happens. But if we rub the glass rod with a silk cloth and then bring it near the pieces of paper, they stick to the surface of the rod. The pieces of paper also stick to the rubbed part of the silk cloth, when it is brought near them.

Pieces of paper attracted to a charged glass rod

Pieces of paper attracted to a charged glass rod

This is because the rod and cloth are charged by rubbing. And this charge is responsible for the attraction with the pieces of paper.


Lightning The discharge of electrostatic charges that occur between surfaces
Electrostatic Charges Charges that are developed when two objects are rubbed together