Introduction to Electric Current and Conductors

What is Electricity?

Electricity is a form of energy associated with the presence and flow of electric charges.

There are two types of electricity:

  • When charges accumulate in one place, the electricity associated with them is called Static
  • When charges flow between two points, the electricity associated with them is called Dynamic

In our day-to-day lives, we mostly come across dynamic electricity rather than static electricity. After all, it is the dynamic electricity that powers all our gadgets.

What is Electric current?

Electric current is defined as the rate of flow of electric charge through a conductor. In general, it is the rate of flow of negatively charged particles called electrons.

What are Conductors of Electricity?

Substances that allow the flow of electric current through them are called the conductors of electricity.

These conductors can be classified into two types:

  • Poor conductors: The substances that allow very little flow of electric current through them. Plastic, wood, etc. are a few examples of poor conductors of
  • Good conductors: The substances that readily allow the flow of electric current through them. Silver, copper, etc. are a few examples of good conductors of

All the examples of conductors mentioned above are of solids. But liquids also conduct electricity. For example, water is a good conductor of electricity. We will look at more such liquids in the next segment.


Electricity It is a form of energy associated with the presence and flow of electric charges.
Types of


  • Static electricity
  • Dynamic electricity
Conductors Substances that allow the electric current to flow through them