Introduction to Air

Is air present everywhere?

Air is present on the entire planet. Here is a simple experiment to prove that.

Insert an empty bottle upside down in water. As the bottle is lowered in, the water bubbles are formed and the water enters the bottle gradually. Though the bottle seemed empty, the formation of bubbles showed that it had air inside it.

But air is not really present beyond our planet. Space is all vacuum, it does not contain air. Air forms a layer or envelope around the earth to a limited extent. This envelope is called the atmosphere. It is because of this atmosphere that life on earth is possible.

However, the layer of air goes on depleting as we move higher above the ground level. The layer of the atmosphere becomes thinner as we move towards higher altitudes. That is the reason, the higher we climb, the oxygen supply becomes scarce.

Components of air

Air contains numerous components. Oxygen is one of them. We need oxygen to survive and to get the necessary oxygen, we breathe.

We will learn about various components of air in the next segment.