Introduction to Agriculture

Which are the Processes Involved in Food Production?

Production of food on a large scale is a well-planned and managed operation. it involves the following steps:

  • Regular production of food
  • Proper management of resources produced
  • Fair distribution among the people

What is Agriculture?

Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock.

What is a Crop?

When plants of the same kind are cultivated at one place on a large scale, it is called a Crop.

Which are the Different Types of Crops?

Crops can be of cereals, vegetables or pulses. But each crop needs a specific type of weather and therefore crops are classified based on the season they are grown in.

There are two types of crops grown in India:

Kharif crops

These are the crops that are sown in the rainy season. In India, this season spans from June to September. Some of the crops grown in this period are paddy, maize and soya bean.

Rabi crops

These are crops that are sown in the winter season. Winter months in India begin in November extending till the month of February. Wheat, mustard and grams are a few of the Rabi crops.

Summer months usually do not see a lot of cultivation. But some vegetables and pulses can be grown in summer with the help of irrigation.


Process of Food Production Regular production of food

Proper management of resources produced

Fair distribution among the people

Agriculture The art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock
Crop Plants of the same kind cultivated at one place on a large scale
Kharif Crops Crops that are sown in the rainy season
Rabi Crops Crops that are sown in the winter season

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