Increasing and Reducing Friction

Increasing Friction

There are various scenarios in which we require the friction to be more.

In order to walk or run without slipping the soles of our shoes have grooves that increase the friction and give us a better grip. Sportsmen require even better grip, therefore the soles of their shoes have studs.

The tyres of our vehicles are treaded to increase the friction between them and the road. This ensures that the vehicles have a sufficient grip on the road and do not skid while driving or on applying brakes.

Reducing Friction

There are situations where friction is not desired. The main disadvantage is the wear and tear caused by it.

One of the ways of reducing friction between the two surfaces in contact is lubrication. It is the action of applying a substance such as grease or oil to minimize friction and allow smoother movement. The substance introduced or applied is called a lubricant. The most common lubricants are oil and grease.

Lubricants avoid the interlocking of irregularities to a great extent, thereby reducing the friction.

The movement of doors smoothens when a few drops of oil are poured on its hinges. The chain of our bicycle also has grease applied on it to avoid wear and tear.




Increasing Friction

Soles of shoes have grooves or studs to increase the friction.


Tyres of vehicles are treaded to provide a better grip.



Reducing Friction

Lubrication is one of the ways of reducing friction.


Oiling the hinges of doors and applying grease to the chain of bicycles reduces the friction.

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