In human alimentary canal, name the site of complete digestion of various components of food. Explain the process of digestion.

Process of food digestion initiates within the mouth and carries on till the complete digestion occurs in the small intestine.
Complete digestion of food including proteins, fats and carbohydrates occurs within the small intestine.
The process of digestion involves the following steps:
Starch digestion starts via the activity of the salivary amylase within the mouth.
Bolus thus obtained reaches the stomach through the oesophagus, wherein the gastric juices aid in protein digestion present within the food leading to the formation of chyme.
Chyme reaches the duodenum of the small intestine where the pancreatic enzymes and bile juice from the liver aids in emulsification of fats and digestion of proteins and emulsified fats.
The digested food is later on absorbed through the intestinal walls.

Final Answer
Hence, the site and process of food digestion is described above.