Identify the concrete and abstract nouns in the following sentence:The boys threw pebbles at the cattle. A: boys, pebbles, cattle – Concrete Noun B: boys, pebbles – Concrete Nouns; cattle – Abstract Noun C: boys, pebbles – Abstract Nouns; cattle – Concrete Noun D: boys, pebbles, cattle – Abstract Nouns

Concrete nouns are those nouns which can be perceived through the four senses, that is, touch, taste, smell, and hear. Like in option A and B, “boys”, “ pebbles”, and “cattle” are concrete nouns
As they are the physical things which can be seen and touched.
Abstract nouns are the opposite of Concrete nouns, they cannot be perceived through the four senses. For example, knowledge, happiness.

Final Answer:
A: boys, pebbles, cattle – Concrete Noun