(i) “Survival in Seemapuri means rag-picking.”(ii) “Garbage to them is gold.”(iii) “For the children, it (garbage) is wrapped in wonder, for the elders it is a means of survival.”In the light of the above remarks write an account of the life and activities of the ragpickers settled in Seemapuri (Delhi) Or give a brief account of the life and activities of the Bangladeshi squatters like Saheb – e – Alam settled in Seemapuri.

Seemapuri is a place in Delhi, still, it can be considered very far from Delhi.
Squatters who migrated from Bangladesh back in 1971 live here.
Saheb – e – Alam’s family is one of them.
Nearly 10,000 ragpickers live there in shelters of mud, with roofs of tin and tarpaulin.
These people are surviving here for the last 30 years without an identity or permit.
The ration cards that they have got enable them to buy grains and get their names on voters’ lists.
Identity doesn’t even matter in front of food for them.
Ragpicking is the only means of their survival.
Garbage to them is gold as it provides them with their means of livelihood and a roof over their heads.

Final Answer: The required brief account of the life and activities of the Bangladeshi squatters like Saheb – e – Alam who settled in Seemapuri is written above.