(i) Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases. Explain ‘contact inhibition’ and ‘metastasis’ with respect to disease.(ii)Name the group of genes that have been identified in normal cells that could lead to cancer. How do these genes cause cancer?(iii)Name any two techniques that are useful in detecting cancers of internal organs.(iv)Why are cancer patients after given α – interferon as part of the treatment?

Cancer is a disease in which there is abnormal division of cells take place and it spread into neighboring cells or tissue which destroy the body tissue
There are many causative agents of cancer like Chemicals, particulate matter, fibers, Radiation , oncogenic viruses etc
Final Answer: There are some reasons which make the disease dread 1) contact inhibition and 2) metastasis
Normal cells have a feature called contact inhibition. When they come into contact with other cells, it prevents them from proliferating uncontrollably.
Cancerous cells, on the other hand, appear to have lost this trait and continue to divide while being in touch with other cells, resulting in tumors.
Metastasis is a feature of malignant tumors that allows them to spread to other organs or regions of the body by rapidly growing, invading nearby tissues, and reaching distant sites through blood and lymph.

(ii) Explanation:
Our cells have a very important gene that is responsible for cell growth and division. The healthy form of these genes are called proto oncogene and their mutated form is called oncogene which causes mutation in DNA , causing cancer.
Oncogenes can be found in an inactive or repressed state. Some factors, such as physical, chemical, or biological carcinogens, have the ability to activate these oncogenes, causing normal cells to become malignant.

Final Answer: the group of genes that have been identified in normal cells that could lead to cancer are oncogenes.

(iii) Explanation:
Imaging tests are the best technique in detecting the cancer in which doctor examine the patient bones and internal organs
Imaging tests may include different types of computerized technique to detect the diseases

Final Answer: Two techniques used for detecting the cancer are CT and MRI.

(iv) Explanation:
The innate immune system produces alpha interferon in response to environmental exposures such as viral infections.
Alpha interferon has been produced in several formulations to treat a variety of cancers and viral diseases, but it is best known for treating chronic hepatitis C.
Final Answer:
By strengthening the immune system, lowering the ability of cancer cells to defend themselves against the immune system, and slowing or stopping cancer cells from dividing, interferon alpha aids in the battle against some types of cancer.