How to solve cubic equation?

Solving a cubic equation (an equation of the form ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0) can be more complex than solving linear or quadratic equations. Depending on the specific cubic equation, you may use different methods. Here, I’ll outline two common methods for solving cubic equations: the Rational Root Theorem and Cardano’s method.

Method 1: Rational Root Theorem and Synthetic Division (for cubics with rational roots):

Use the Rational Root Theorem to find potential rational roots. The Rational Root Theorem states that if a rational number p/q is a root of the cubic equation, then p must be a factor of the constant term (d), and q must be a factor of the leading coefficient (a).

Test the potential rational roots found in step 1 using synthetic division. Perform synthetic division by dividing the cubic equation by (x – p/q), where p/q is one of the potential rational roots. If the result is zero, it means that (x – p/q) is a factor of the equation.

Continue dividing the cubic equation by the factors found in step 2 until you have factored the equation completely.

Solve the resulting linear and quadratic equations to find the values of x.

Method 2: Cardano’s Method (for general cubic equations):

Cardano’s method involves a series of substitutions and algebraic manipulations. It is quite involved and may not be suitable for manual calculations, but I’ll provide a simplified overview:

Begin by reducing the cubic equation to a simpler form, if possible, by making a substitution. For example, you can substitute x = y – (b/3a) to eliminate the quadratic term.

This substitution should yield a depressed cubic equation, which has the form y^3 + py = q.

Solve the depressed cubic equation using Cardano’s method, which involves finding the values of p and q, computing intermediate values, and ultimately finding the values of y.

Once you have the values of y, reverse the substitution to find the values of x.

It’s important to note that Cardano’s method can be quite complex, and in practice, cubic equations are often solved using numerical methods or computer software, especially when the coefficients are not simple or when the equation has complex roots.

For practical purposes, if you need to solve a cubic equation, it’s often more efficient to use software or calculators with built-in functions for solving cubic equations, as they can handle a wide range of cases and provide accurate solutions.