How to Express numbers using powers of 10?

Any number can be expressed using the power of 10. Such a form of a number is called its Standard form.

In this form, the number is written as a decimal number between 1.0 and 10.0 and then multiplied by a power of 10.

To convert a number to its standard form, split the number, count the number of zeros, and write it in exponential form.

For example,

(i) 5000

5000 = 5 x 1000

Number of zeros in 1000 = 3

Thus, the exponential form of 5000 = 5 × 103.

(ii) 300000000

300000000 3 x 100000000

Number of zeros in 100000000 = 8

Thus, the exponential form of 300000000 is 3 × 108.

(iii) 2330000000

As per the standard form, the number before the decimal point should be from 1.0 to 10.0 and 233 is 233.0,

So, 2330000000 = (2.33 × 100) × 107

= (2.33 × 102) × 107

= 2.33 × 102 × 107

= 2.33 × 109

Thus, the exponential form of 300000000 is 2.33 × 109