How is the Lok Sabha more powerful than the Rajya Sabha?

The Rajya Sabha cannot reject bills enacted by the Lok Sabha that are linked to the government’s budget or any other money-related statute.
The Rajya Sabha has only 14 days to delay it or make any amendments.
The Rajya Sabha’s proposed amendments may or may not be adopted by the Lok Sabha.
The Lok Sabha has a maximum of 550 MPs that are directly elected by Indian citizens, but the Rajya Sabha has roughly 250 seats that are indirectly elected by state parliamentors.
So, the Lok Sabha has more power because it contains members who are directly elected by the people and are considered to be the State’s direct representatives.
As a result, the Lok Sabha, the lower house of parliament, is more powerful than the Rajya Sabha, the upper house.

Final Answer:

The Lok Sabha has more authority than the Rajya Sabha:
(i) Every ordinary law must be passed by both Houses. If the two Houses disagree, the ultimate decision is made in a combined session in which all members of both Houses sit together. Because the Lok Sabha has a bigger membership, their viewpoint is more likely to prevail in a conference like this.
(ii) In financial matters, the Lok Sabha has more authority. The Rajya Sabha cannot reject the government’s budget or any other money-related law passed by the Lok Sabha. The Rajya Sabha can only postpone it for 14 days or propose revisions. These amendments may or may not be accepted by the Lok Sabha.