How is land distributed between the farmers of Palampur? 

The land is necessary for cultivation.
There are 150 out of the 450 landless families.
Dalits or lower caste families don’t have land to farm.
Two hundred forty families expand small parcels of land less than 2 hectares.
60 families have medium and large farms in Palampur that cultivate over 2 hectares of land.
In Palampur, there is an unequal distribution of agricultural land among the people.
Two hundred forty families cultivate parcels of land less than 2 hectares in size, out of the remaining families who own land.
Cultivation on these little land areas, income is very low, not enough for complete farmers’ family needs.
Final Answer:
In Palampur village, agricultural land is unequally distributed, and many poor are landless. The other families that are middle or large farmers cultivate more than 2 hectares of land.
Some farmers own more than ten hectares of land, if not more. The vast parcels of land cover more than half of the village’s total area.