How earthworms move and how their movement differs from that of humans? (5 marks)

Earthworm Movement: –
An earthworm’s body is made up of several rings that are connected end to end.
There are no bones in an earthworm.
It has muscles that help the body lengthen and shorten.
During locomotion, the earthworm extends the front part of its body first, leaving the back part of the body attached to the ground.
The front end is then fixed, and the back end is released.
The body is then shortened and the back end is pulled forward. This causes it to advance a short distance.
The earthworm crawls through the dirt by repeating these muscle contractions and expansions.
A slimy substance is also secreted by the body to aid mobility.

Differences in movement between Earthworms and Humans: Humans can move from one location to another or move bodily parts such as their hands or heads in different directions without affecting their position because of their skeletal system’s bones and joints.
Earthworms, on the other hand, are devoid of any bones in their bodies.

Final Answer : An earthworm moves by using two distinct muscle groups. The earthworm lengthens its round muscles and pushes itself forward once more.