How does valency vary when we move from left to right through a period ?

Junior College’s annual day gathering function, 2022 was arranged some weeks before.
It was an amazing function, everyone had fun.
The function started with a speech by the chief guest, followed by a Ganpati Vandana Song performed by senior students of the Music department.
There was a fare in the morning time, it was arranged by freshers of every department.
The fare was followed by some games organized for teachers and guests by students.
Then, there was a finale of 2 sports activities, the award ceremony for that happened right after.
Students of senior classes arranged evening snacks for everyone near the auditorium as the last function of the day was some cultural performances.
There were 3 dance performances, they were so energetic that everyone’s fatigue vanished while enjoying the performance, the function had its end with 2 solo songs performed by 2 science students, they sang mesmerizingly and that’s how the annual day gathering function finished off at Junior college.

Final Answer: The required report is framed above.