How does an Electric Torch Work?

What is a Battery?

A battery is the combination of two or more electric cells connected with their opposite terminals in contact with each other.

They are used to run electrical appliances, such as old radio sets and torchlights. Let us look at a torchlight and understand how it functions.

An Electric Torch

●       What are the main components of an electric torch?

  • Light bulb
  • Two electric cells (battery)
  • Metallic spring and wire (mostly copper)
  • Switch

Components of a torchlight

 How are the components of the electric torch connected?

Inner structure of an electric torch


  • The positive terminal of the battery touches one of the terminals of the
  • The negative terminal of the battery touches the metallic
  • One end of the spring extends along the side of the torch and is connected with the
  • There is another thin metal wire which connects the switch with the other terminal of the

●     How does an electric torch work?

There is no direct connection between the spring and thin metal wire. This means the circuit is incomplete. So, electricity cannot flow and hence, the bulb does not glow.

When the switch is slid up, there is a small metal wire inside it, which connects the spring and the metal wire. This completes the circuit and the current flows through the entire circuit, making the bulb glow.

When the switch is slid down, the circuit is broken once again.