How are Hormones Connected to Metamorphosis in Animals?

The process in which an organism undergoes changes in the physical form as a part of development is called Metamorphosis.

For example, caterpillars turning into butterflies, tadpoles turning into frogs, etc. These changes in the animals are caused by Hormones.

How do hormones help in the metamorphosis of insects?

  • A larva undergoes several stages of development called the Instar. When this larva turns into a pupa and then into an adult, it mostly sheds its outermost skin layer which is known as the Moulting process.
  • An important group of hormones called Juvenile Hormones, secreted by endocrine glands, promote growth in the larva by inhibiting metamorphosis. As a result, the larva only grows in size and not
  • Metamorphosis occurs when the larva enters the pupa stage. Once the pupa stage is reached, it encloses itself in a shell and remains almost dormant till the body develops completely. Later, the pupa gets converted into an
  • There are many other hormones in the insect body that are responsible for moulting and other developmental

Different metamorphosis stage of an insect

Metamorphosis of Frog

How do hormones help in the metamorphosis of frogs?

  • Frogs have a Thyroid gland which secretes the Thyroxine hormone.
  • Thyroxine brings about metamorphosis in the tadpoles which later turns them into adults.
  • Thyroxine will not be produced if the supply of iodine is insufficient. Thus, if the nearby water bodies do not have iodine content then Thyroxine will not be produced and tadpoles will not develop into adults.

Metamorphosis of Frog

Metamorphosis of Frog


Hormones – Types
  • Growth Hormone – Pituitary Gland
  • Thyroxine – Thyroid Gland
  • Insulin – Pancreas
  • Adrenaline – Adrenal Glands
  • Testosterone and Estrogen – Gonads (Testes and Ovaries)
Disorders/Diseases Caused due to Hormonal Imbalance
  • Simple Goitre
  • Diabetes

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