Heredity and Evolution – Gregor Mendel (Heredity Introduction) and Chromosome Structure

Who was Gregor Mendel?

  • In a monastery, in Austria, there was a monk named Gregor Mendel. He was the pioneer of genetic studies who studied pea
  • In the garden of the monastery, he planted several pea plants and matched different characteristics to study
  • The pea plants had many variations like different seed colours and length of the
  • After many years, he concluded several things about the pea
  • In the year 1865, he wrote his paper titled Experiments in Plant Hybridization.
  • Mendel realized that there was a certain pattern of plant reproduction in all his experiments. These observations later become his famous

What are chromosomes?

Cell, nucleus, chromosomes and DNA

Cell, nucleus, chromosomes and DNA

  • A cell contains a nucleus which has a set of chromosomes containing the genetic information, Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA).
  • DNA is made up of bases which encode specific information for the making of proteins. The bases are joined to several other bases in a specific
  • When the bases go against the standard pattern, it is called a mutation.
  • The two bases that join each other are called a base
  • Mutations can sometimes affect one base pair, and other times an entire segment. When it affects an entire segment, several base pairs will

Base Pair

Base Pair

  • So, the bases are the basic fundamental units of a
  • They join some other base and form a base Several base pairs form a double-helical structure which looks like a ladder called the DNA molecule.

DNA Molecule

DNA Molecule



  • DNA strands when tightly wound and coiled will form a chromosome.
  • The chromosome has two individual strands joined at the centre. Each strand is called a chromatid.
  • Two chromatids join at a point in the centre, called the centromere, to form a single chromosome.

Chromatid, Centromere and Chromosome

Chromatid, Centromere and Chromosome