Harmful Microbes in Animals and Plants

Which Microbes Infect Animals?

Microbes target all the living organisms including humans, plants, and animals. Animals are targeted by several pathogens that cause lethal infections. The pathogens that infect animals are:

  • Rabies virus – It is a virus which attacks dogs which becomes Rabid Dogs. It takes over the complete nervous system of the dog which results in the aggressive and wild behaviour along with a few other symptoms. It also affects other mammals like foxes and humans.
  • Toxoplasma gondii – It is a protozoan which infects cats and It completes its life cycle by attacking them.
  • Zombi fungi or Ophiocordyceps – These fungi attack smaller animals like They attack tropical ants to complete their life cycle.
  • Bacillus anthracis – It is a bacterium which causes the fatal Anthrax infection in several cattle.

Rabies virus and Bacillus anthracis Which Microbes are Harmful to Plants?

Microbes cause abrupt changes in plants, especially, in their leaf structures. The leaves of some plants get curled from edges or show yellow spots due to the infections caused by pathogens. The green leaves are crucial for the plant to perform photosynthesis. Thus, this damage to the leaves makes it difficult for the plant to survive.

Yellow spots in Plant Leaves

Other parts like stem, roots or fruits also get affected. Some pathogens that affect plants are:

  • Bacteria – They cause bacterial diseases like Bacterial Canker in tomatoes and chillies, Bacterial Soft Rot in capsicum, carrots and potatoes, and Bacterial Brown Spot in
  • Fungi – They cause Powdery Mildews in pumpkins and cabbages, Rusts in wheat, and Cavity Spots in
  • Virus – The Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus attacks and causes yellowing of vein leaves in okra. The Tobacco Mosaic Virus infects tobacco leaves in the same way.


Harmful Microbes Causing Diseases in Animals Rabies Virus – RabiesToxoplasma gondii

Zombi fungi or Ophiocordyceps

Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax infection)

Harmful Microbes Causing Diseases in Plants Bacteria (Bacterial Canker, Bacterial Soft Rot, Bacterial Brown Spot)Fungi (Powdery Mildews, Rusts, Cavity Spots)

Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus, Tobacco Mosaic Virus

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