Give the scientific names of torula yeast and baker’s yeast.

Natural yeast comes in a wide variety of forms, which has led to its widespread use in fermented foods.
Fermentation is a process in which yeast converts carbohydrates into carbon dioxide and alcohol.
The fermentation of sugars using yeast is one of the oldest and most widely used applications. They are very abundant in nature and can even be found on the skin of fruits and berries.
Yeast is a key component in fermented and baked foods. Yeast can be used to convert sugar to ethanol. Yeast is used in vitamin supplements as well.
Yeast also plays an important function in bioremediation. Yeast is vital to the economy.

Final Answer:
Candida utilis is the scientific name for the torula yeast which is used in making smoky foods. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the scientific name for baker’s yeast, which is used in bread items.