Give a contrasting comparison of multiple cropping and modern farming method.

Multiple cropping is a technique in which two or more crops are planted on the same plot of land at the same time.
As the term implies, modern farming methods rely on improved agricultural technologies.
Cropping with multiple methods:
Multiple cropping (multi-cropping) methods refer to the common practise of cultivating two or more crops on the same plot of land at the same time, rather than simply one. Intercropping is relate to the practise of growing various crops at the same time.
Two or more crops are cultivated, which offers variety and may yield proportionate income, i.e. one crop yields larger earnings than the other, allowing both crops to cover their expenses.
Different types of nutrients are required by the crops, which help to maintain soil fertility.
Because multiple crops are harvested at the same time, threshing might be a challenge.
It is a traditional farming approach since it involves the use of traditional seeds for crop production, which necessitates less irrigation, less complex technology, and so forth.
Generally speaking, the yields from this procedure are modest.

Modern Farming Methods:
On the other hand, modern farming methods refer to an agricultural production system characterised by high capital and labour inputs, as well as the use of heavy farm machinery such as threshers, harvesters, and winnowing machines, as well as technology such as selective breeding, pesticides, chemical fertilisers, and insecticides.

Different crops are grown at different times throughout the year.
Chemical fertilisers, HYV seeds, heavy and complex farm machinery, and artificial irrigation are examples of modern agricultural inputs used in production.
Advanced approaches allow for simple threshing processes.
It is a cutting-edge farming technique.
Although this method has a high production, it is not environmentally friendly.

Final Answer:

Modern Farming:
The use of modern agricultural inputs in the development of a certain crop is referred to as modern farming.
Various crops are grown at different times of the year.
With the help of a well-developed irrigation system, farmers may cultivate a variety of crops throughout the year.
Artificial irrigation, farm machinery, chemical fertilisers, HYV seeds, and farm machinery are all used.

Multiple Cropping:
Multiple cropping is when two or more crops are cultivated on the same area of land at the same time or in the same season.
It is a polyculture of some sort. Growing tomato, onion, and marigold in the same season and on the same piece of land is an example. Marigold also deters some tomato bugs.
Because different crops require different nutrients, the land is more efficiently exploited. It also aids in the preservation of soil fertility.
It does not allow for the growth of weeds and hampers.