What is a Bird?

Birds are the vertebrates that can fly.

Which different body structures of a bird helps in locomotion?

  • Birds have two sets of limbs. The Hind Limbs are the legs meant for Walking. On the other hand, the Forelimbs are modified into wings for Flying.
  • Their body skeleton consists of a few numbers of bones which are Porous and internally

Less Compact.

  • Birds also have a good framework of bones and strong Shoulder Bones and Chest Muscles.

How do birds locomote?

Birds can locomote in three major ways. They can walk, fly and swim.

(i) How do birds walk?

On the land, the birds walk with the help of their Hindlimbs.


  • How do birds fly?

In the air, the wings which are modified form of Forelimbs help in flying. The strong chest muscles help in the flapping of the wings.


Their body is lightweight due to the hollow-body structure of bones to make it easier for them to fly. The strong shoulder bones which form the Pectoral Girdle provide resistance to air during flight.

(iii) How do birds swim?

Some birds like ducks and swans have specialized feet which enables them to swim. Their hindlimbs are modified into Webbed Feet, that means they have skin present between the toes for swimming.