Fun with magnets – What are Magnets made of?

What are artificial magnets made up of?

Materials used in making a magnet are the ones that it gets attracted to. The materials used in artificial magnets depend on the type of magnet, that is if the magnet is temporary or permanent.

What are temporary magnets made up of?

Temporary magnets are usually made up of either one or a combination of iron, nickel, cobalt and steel that contains iron. The materials used are strongly attracted to a magnet and are also known as ferromagnetic materials.

What is Magnetisation?

A substance must acquire magnetism, in order to be a magnet. The process of magnetising a non-magnetic substance is called Magnetisation.

But not all non-magnetic substances can be magnetised. Only substances that have iron as one of its materials can be used to make temporary or permanent magnets. Plastic and rubber among many other non-metals cannot be magnetised and hence cannot be made temporary or permanent magnets.