Fun with magnets – Magnetic force and magnetic field

What is Magnetic force?

A magnet consists of two poles, north and south.

If we consider two magnets, then the unlike poles of the two will attract each other, i.e the north pole of one magnet will attract the south pole of the other.

In the same set of magnets, the like poles repel each other, i.e. the north pole of one magnet will repel the north pole of the other. Similarly, the south poles of the two will also repel each other.

Thus, the force of attraction or repulsion acting between the poles of two magnets is called the Magnetic force.

Magnetic force

 Magnetic forces are non-contact forces as they pull or push the objects without touching them.

What is a Magnetic field?

The space surrounding the magnet where its influence or force is felt is called the magnetic field.

The strength of this field is greater closer to the magnet and decreases as we go farther away from it.

Magnetic field