Fun with magnets – Magnetic field of a bar magnet

What are Poles of a magnet?

The two ends of a magnet are called the Poles of a magnet. Every magnet has two poles, the

north pole ‘N’ and the south pole ‘S’.

Poles of a magnet

 What is Magnetic field pattern?

The magnetic field of a magnet can be visualised as a pattern of circular lines surrounding it. This pattern is known as the Magnetic field pattern.

When iron filings are sprinkled on a bar magnet, they arrange themselves according to the magnetic field pattern of the bar magnet.

Pattern of iron filings on a bar magnet

Every magnet has a different field pattern. This field pattern depends on the shape of a magnet. Thus, different shaped magnets have different field patterns.

Strength of a magnetic field

We know that a magnet consists of two poles. The strength of the magnetic field of a bar magnet is strongest at the poles and this strength reduces as we move towards the centre.

This can also be seen by observing the pattern of iron filings around the bar magnet. More iron filings are attracted towards the poles than the centre of the magnet.