Fun with magnets – Different shapes of Magnets

What does the strength of a magnet depend on?

Strength of a magnet depends on the following factors:

(i)  Size of the magnet

Two magnets of the same shape and material will have different magnetic strengths if they are of different sizes. The bigger magnet will be stronger than the smaller magnet.

(ii)  Materials of the magnet

If there are two magnets of the same shape and size, one is made of alnico and the other of neodymium, the magnet made up of neodymium will be stronger. This is because neodymium magnets are stronger than alnico magnets.

(iii)  Shape of the magnet

Shape of a magnet is one of the important factors that define the strength of a magnet.

A bar magnet is the simplest shape of a magnet. However, it is the weakest magnet of all the other magnet shapes.

A horseshoe magnet of the same size and the same material is much stronger than a bar magnet. This is because a horseshoe magnet has both its poles on the same side, while a bar magnet has them on opposite sides.

The strength of the magnetic field created by horseshoe magnet near the poles is greater than the strength of the magnetic field created near the pole of a bar magnet.

Similarly, the other differently shaped magnets with greater pole area are made so as to increase the magnetic powers of a magnet.