Friction – A Necessary Evil

Why is Friction Necessary?

It plays a very important role in our day-to-day life. The grip that we can have on different objects or surfaces is because of the force of friction.

We can walk or run on the ground because of friction between our sole and the ground. We won’t be able to write anything in absence of friction.

In short, without friction, it would be an entirely different world. A world in which nothing would be functioning efficiently.

Why is Friction Bad?

Friction is the main reason for the wear and tear of machinery parts. We hurt our knees on falling because of the friction between our knees and the ground.

Friction wastes a lot of our energy. If not for friction, the machine parts wouldn’t need energy to continue functioning.

Even though friction is a pain sometimes, it’s absolutely necessary. Energy spent to overcome it

is totally worth it. Everything you see functioning around you is because of friction.


Why is Friction necessary? The grip that we can have on different objects or surfaces is because of the force of friction.
Why is Friction bad? Friction is the main reason for the wear and tear of machinery parts.