Force Results in Change in the State of Motion and/or Direction

What are the Effects of Force on an Object?

The effects of force on an object depend on its magnitude and direction. They can cause the object to accelerate, decelerate, deform, or change direction.

Force may move an object from the rest position

For example, when we kick a ball at rest, it starts moving. Thus, the force applied by our foot sets the ball in motion.

Force may change the direction of an object

For example, when you apply force in the direction opposite to the motion of the ball, you will obstruct its motion. Also, there will be a change in the direction of the motion of the ball.

Force may increase the speed of an object

For example, if we apply force on the moving ball in the same direction, its speed further increases.

Force may change the direction as well as the speed of an object

For a moving ball, if we apply considerable force in a direction other than the direction in which it is moving, not only the direction but also the speed with which the ball is moving may get changed.

Force may not cause any of the effects

For example,

If we try to move a heavy vehicle, the force will be unable to move the vehicle in any direction.




Effects of Force in the State of Motion and/or Direction

May move an object from the rest position.

May change the direction of an object.

May increase the speed of an object.

May change the direction as well as the speed of an object.

May not cause any of the effects.

 Did you know?

Force is measured in Newtons.

This name is derived from the great Physicist, Isaac Newton.

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