Force may Change the Shape of an Object

What are the Effects of Force on an Object’s Shape?

The effects of force on the shape of an object can either be temporary or permanent. Here are the effects of force with examples.

Temporary Change

 When an object returns to its original shape after removing the force, the force causes a temporary change in the shape of that object.

For example, applying force on a sponge ball changes its shape. On releasing the ball, or retracting the force, it returns to its original shape due to its elastic properties.

Permanent Change

 When an object does not return to its original shape after removing the force, the force causes a permanent change in the shape of that object.

For example, applying force on a piece of dough gives it a new shape. However, on releasing the force from the dough, it does not return to its original shape.


Temporary Change in Shape When an object returns to its original shape after removing the force.
Permanent Change in Shape When an object does not return to its original shape after removing the force.

 Did you know?

Robert Hooke, an English physicist, discovered the law of elasticity. This law is also known as Hooke’s law.

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