Female Reproductive System

What are the Parts of the female reproductive system?


The female reproductive system is the site of ovum production, fertilization, growth, and development of the baby. The parts of the female reproductive system are:


  • They are the sites of production of the female gametes called Egg cells or Ova.
  • They are present in pairs and have oval-shaped structures.
  • One ovary is present on either side.


  1. There are finger-like projections called Fimbriae which connect the ovaries with the uterus.
  2. They are very important for receiving the ovum when released from the ovaries.
  3. The ovum is non-motile and cannot move until it is pushed or swept by some other
    cells. Thus, fimbriae help to hold the ovum released and sweep it to the tubes present ahead.

Fallopian tubes

  • There are tube-like structures called Fallopian tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus which are also the site of fertilisation.
  • They are the place where sperms are able to fertilize the ovum.
  • The zygote starts dividing from here and grows into an embryo.


  • It is the site for the development of the baby. It is also called Womb.
  • When the growth of the baby is completed, it comes out of the mother’s body
    through the vagina.


  • It is a small passage that opens to the exterior.
  • It is the site where sperms are received in the female’s body.
  • This passage is also used for passing the baby out of the body during childbirth.

Female Reproductive System

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