Explain the type of Indian Roads.

Indian roads are the most cost-effective and widely used means of transportation in our country, connecting various sections of the country. India has the world’s second-longest road network.
Village Road- Roads in the village Connect villages and towns. Village Panchayats are in charge of their maintenance.
District Road- Roads in the District Connect the municipalities to the district office. Corporations and municipalities are responsible for their maintenance.
State Highways: Highways in the state Connect the state capitals to the various district headquarters. The State Public Works Department builds and maintains these highways.
National Highways- National Highways connect the states’ capitals to the national capital and are maintained by the Central Public Works Department.
Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways- It is a significant road improvement project initiated by the Government of India. The Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways’ primary goal is to provide “connectivity,” “speed,” and “safety.” They are intended to cut travel time and bring metropolitan areas closer together.
Expressways- Expressways are technologically advanced, high-class roadways in India’s transportation network. They have six lanes.
Border Roads- Border Roads Organisation, established by the Government of India in 1960, constructs and maintains border roads.
International Highways: International highways are roads that connect India to neighbouring nations in order to foster a cordial connection with them.