Explain the following principle of management:(i) Cooperation, not individualism (ii) Order.

1.Cooperation, not individualism-
Cooperation means a union towards achieving the common result. the workers and the management should work jointly and in unity to achieve the organizational objectives.
Cooperation, not individualism states that the work should be done in cooperation and with mutual confidence.
Employees and management should cooperate with each other to achieve the common goal and for that the management should try to set the goals and standards in consultation with the workers so that they feel that the goal is set by them and they will cooperate sincerely and willingly to achieve the targeted goal.
2. Orders –
It means the arrangement or supervision of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method. a company promotes order for smooth flow of operations. There are two kinds of orders: material order and social order. Material order states the right arrangement for the physical resources. Social order states that there should be a proper arrangement for the employees.

Final answer-
1.Cooperation, not individualism-
Cooperation means a union towards achieving the common result. the workers and the management should work jointly and in unity to achieve the organizational objectives.
Cooperation, not individualism states that the work should be done in cooperation and with mutual confidence.
Employees and management should cooperate with each other to achieve the common goal and for that the management should try to set the goals and standards in consultation with the workers so that they feel that the goal is set by them and they will cooperate sincerely and willingly to achieve the targeted goal.
2. Orders –
It means the arrangement or supervision of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method. a company promotes order for smooth flow of operations. There are two kinds of orders: material order and social order. Material order states the right arrangement for the physical resources. Social order states that there should be a proper arrangement for the employees.