Explain Positive, Negative and Zero Work. Give one example of each.

POSITIVE WORK: Positive work is done on an object when the force and displacement are in the same direction.
When an object moves across a horizontal surface, both force and displacement operate in the same direction. As a result, the work done is positive.
NEGATIVE WORK: When force and displacement are in opposite directions, the work is said to be negative work.
When an object is thrown upwards, gravity acts in the downward direction, whereas displacement acts in the upward direction.
ZERO WORK: When force and displacement are perpendicular to each other or when either force or displacement is zero, the work done is said to be zero.
When we walk with a thing in our hands, the force acts in the downward direction, whereas the displacement acts in the forward direction.
Final Answer:
Positive work: Force and displacement are in the same direction.
Negative work: Force and displacement are in the opposite direction.
Zero work: Force and displacement are perpendicular to each other.