Explain Mendel’s Monohybrid cross. Give an example.

Patterns of inheritance were investigated in pea plants by Gregor Mendel.
A cross between a pair of pea plants with a single pair of contrasting traits (example: stem height- tall TT/ dwarf tt), one with a homozygous dominant genotype (TT-Tall), and other with a homozygous recessive genotype (tt) were crossed.
The cross results in the generation of heterozygous offspring (Tt).
Monohybrid cross takes only one trait into consideration at one time.
For example: for the contrasting trait stem height (tall/dwarf), taking a cross of homozygous Tall (TT) pea plant and a homozygous dwarf (tt) pea plant will give: 1 homozygous tall (TT), 2 heterozygous tall (Tt) and 1 homozygous dwarf (tt).

Final answer:
A cross between a pair of pea plants with a single pair of contrasting traits (example: stem height- tall TT/ dwarf tt), one with a homozygous dominant genotype (TT-Tall), and other with a homozygous recessive genotype (tt) were crossed.
The cross results in the generation of heterozygous offspring (Tt).