Explain 5 Main differences between static and dynamic.

The terms “static” and “dynamic” can be used in various contexts to describe different characteristics or behaviours. Here are five main differences between static and dynamic, covering different areas:

In Computing (Static vs. Dynamic Typing):

Static Typing: In programming languages with static typing, variable types are determined at compile-time. The type of a variable is explicitly declared, and the compiler checks for type errors during compilation. Examples of statically typed languages include Java and C++.

Dynamic Typing: In languages with dynamic typing, variable types are determined at runtime. The type of a variable is not explicitly declared, and it can change during the execution of the program. Examples of dynamically typed languages include Python and JavaScript.

In Mechanics and Physics (Static vs. Dynamic Equilibrium):

Static Equilibrium: In mechanics, static equilibrium occurs when an object is at rest and the sum of the forces acting on it is zero. In other words, there is no net force or acceleration, and the object is in a state of balance.

Dynamic Equilibrium: Dynamic equilibrium occurs when an object is moving at a constant velocity, and the sum of the forces and torques acting on it is zero. It involves balanced forces, but the object is in motion without acceleration.

In Web Development (Static vs. Dynamic Websites):

Static Websites: A static website displays the same content to all users and does not change based on user interactions or input. The content is fixed and pre-defined, and updates require manual changes to the source code.

Dynamic Websites: Dynamic websites generate content on-the-fly based on user input, preferences, or other variables. Content can be personalized, and interactions with users can trigger changes in the displayed information. Dynamic websites often use server-side technologies like PHP, Node.js, or Ruby on Rails.

In Electricity (Static vs. Dynamic Electricity):

Static Electricity: Static electricity involves the accumulation of electric charge on the surface of an object. It typically occurs when certain materials are rubbed together, leading to the transfer of electrons and the creation of an electric charge.

Dynamic Electricity: Dynamic electricity, often referred to as electric current, is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. It is the form of electricity used to power electrical devices and is characterized by the movement of electrons along a path.

In Systems or Objects (Static vs. Dynamic Systems):

Static Systems: In the context of systems or objects, a static system is one that is unchanging or stationary over time. It does not evolve, adapt, or exhibit motion.

Dynamic Systems: A dynamic system is one that changes, evolves, or adapts over time. It may involve movement, growth, or modifications based on internal or external factors.

These examples illustrate that the terms “static” and “dynamic” can have different meanings depending on the context, ranging from programming languages and mechanics to web development and electricity. Understanding the specific context is crucial for interpreting the differences accurately.