Enumerate the demerits of an electoral competition.

Demerits of electoral competition are as follows:
It causes factionalism and discord in every community. People frequently express their dissatisfaction with party politics.
Various political groups and leaders frequently make accusations against each other. To win elections, political parties and politicians frequently utilise dirty techniques.
It is commonly stated that the drive to win political battles prevents sound long-term strategies from being developed.
Some fine people who want to serve their country should stay away from this arena. They despise the concept of being drawn into unhealthily competitive situations.

Demerits of electoral competition are as follows:
It causes factionalism and discord in every community. People frequently express their dissatisfaction with party politics.
Various political groups and leaders frequently make accusations against each other. To win elections, political parties and politicians frequently utilise dirty techniques.
It is commonly stated that the drive to win political battles prevents sound long-term strategies from being developed.
Some fine people who want to serve their country should stay away from this arena. They despise the concept of being drawn into unhealthily competitive situations.