Emma scored 18 out of 25 and Frieda scored 35 out of 50 in their respective exams. Who performed better?

Q. Emma scored 18 out of 25 and Frieda scored 35 out of 50 in their respective exams. Who performed better?


Method 1: Make the denominators common by taking LCM and compare the numerators.

Since 50 is a multiple of 25, 50 becomes the LCM of the two numbers.

Emma Frieda
18 × 2    36

——- =—

25 × 2    50




So comparing the numerators, 36 > 35. Thus, Emma performed better than Frieda.

Method 2: By percentage.

Percent means out of 100.

In Emma’s case to get a 100 in the denominator, multiply the denominator and the numerator by 4.


18 × 4     72

——–=—-= 72%

25 × 4     100

Thus, Emma’s percentage is 72.

In Frieda’s case to get a 100 in the denominator, multiply the denominator and the numerator

by 2.


35 × 2       70

——– = —- = 70%

50 × 2     100

Thus, Frieda’s percentage is 70.

Since 72% > 70%, therefore, Emma scored better than Frieda.