
What is Electroplating?

It is the process of depositing a layer of a desired metal over another metal with the help of electric current.

Depositing a layer of non-corrosive elements like chromium, zinc, nickel, cadmium, gold and silver prevents the corrosion of metals like iron, which can corrode easily.

Process of Electroplating

Let us understand the process of electroplating with the help of iron, which is a corrosive metal. To prevent the corrosion of iron, a coat of zinc can be applied on its surface. For this, a solution containing zinc, such as zinc sulphide is used.

The setup includes a solution of zinc sulphide in which two electrodes are inserted. The anode is a zinc plate and the cathode is iron, which is to be coated. Once the electrodes are connected, the reaction begins. The solution dissociates and the zinc from the solution gets deposited on the iron. The zinc plate ensures that the zinc in the solution is not depleted until the process of electroplating is complete.

Electroplating process

After a certain period of time, the iron piece is plated with zinc, that is the electroplating of iron with zinc is complete. This zinc coating prevents the corrosion of iron.

Uses of Electroplating

There are different applications of electroplating:

  • Iron plated with tin is used to make cans for food storage. The tin coating stops the moisture in the food from reacting with iron, thus preventing the corrosion of iron and spoilage of
  • Various metals are plated with a layer of chromium. Since chromium is cost-effective and also has a shiny appearance, coating with chromium helps to make durable articles like water pipes, automobile parts and gas
  • Electroplating is also used to coat cheaper metals with either gold or silver to make jewellery.


Electroplating Process of depositing a layer of the desired metal over another metal with the help of electric current

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