Effects of Air Pollution

What are the effects of air pollution?

Air pollution has adverse effects on nature as well as on humans. Few of the effects being Respiratory problems in humans, Carbon monoxide poisoning, Depletion of the ozone layer, Global warming (greenhouse effect), destruction of monuments and many more.

In this segment let us look at the effects of air pollution on historical monuments and humans. Let us begin with historical monuments.

What are the effects of air pollution on historical monuments?

We preserve and protect our historical monuments. But, the effects of air pollution have taken a toll on these existing structures. Let us look at two effects that have harmed these monuments.



Corrosion is the gradual destruction of materials by chemical reaction with their environment. Though it is a natural process, pollutants in the air increase the rate of this damage.

An example of such corrosion can be seen on the Parthenon.

It is the most important and characteristic monument of ancient Greek civilization. It is made up of limestone. Due to the reaction of limestone with various air pollutants, this great monument is slowly corroding and is on the verge of falling to its ruins.

Acid Rain

Acid Rain

When the level of sulphur dioxide increases in the air, its particles combine with water vapour which falls on the earth in the form of rain, which is usually referred to as Acid rain.

The impact of acid rain can be seen on the Taj Mahal.

This beautiful white marble monument is turning yellow due to the formation of calcium sulphate on its limestone walls. And this change is irreversible.

What are the effects of air pollution on humans?

  • Constant exposure to air pollutants leads to an increase in diseases like asthma and other lung infections.
  • The number of cancer cases is increasing due to the rising levels of carcinogens in the Carcinogens are any chemical, radiation or substances that cause cancer.


Effects of Air Pollution on Historical monuments
  • Corrosion: The gradual destruction of materials by chemical reaction with their environment
  • Acid Rain: When the level of sulphur dioxide increases in the air, its particles combine with water vapour which falls on the earth in the form of rain.
Effects of Air Pollution on Humans Increase in

  • Diseases like asthma and other lung infections
  • Cancer cases due to rising levels of carcinogens