
What is Duodenum?

  • The first part of the small intestine is called the
  • Most of the digestion takes place in this small
  • The digestion is aided by the juices secreted by the
  • Two glands release their juices in the duodenum: Liver and Pancreas.

Duodenum, liver and pancreas

Duodenum, liver and pancreas

What is the Role of the liver in the digestion?

  • The liver is the largest gland of the
  • It secretes a fluid called Bile which is stored in the Gallbladder.
  • The bile breaks down the big fat droplets into tiny droplets. This process is known as


What is the Role of the pancreas in the digestion?

  • The pancreas is the second-largest gland in our
  • It secretes Pancreatic Juice that contains various enzymes to digest proteins, starch, and fats.
  • The three main enzymes present in the pancreatic juice are trypsin, amylase, and
    • Trypsin: Trypsin breaks down the proteins or peptides into Amino Acids and smaller peptides.
    • Pancreatic amylase: Pancreatic amylase converts the remaining starch to


  • Pancreatic lipase: Pancreatic lipase acts on emulsified fats and converts them to Fatty Acids and Glycerol.