Drought and Flood

What is Drought?

Drought is a condition when a particular area receives no rainfall for a considerable amount of time. If an area is already prone to less rainfall annually, then such an area can get hit with drought due to no rainfall for a long time. These areas are known as drought-affected areas.

Drought leads to the destruction of life. Soil loses its moisture content and it is very difficult to use the soil again for any agricultural activity. Unavailability of food and water adversely impacts animals and humans alike, leading to starvation and death.

What is Flood?

Flood strikes when the amount of rainfall exceeds the normal rain in an area.

Water has the tendency to move with great speed. If an area is hit by the flood, then the water that flows with speed will carry away peoples’ belongings including their homes. This results in the vast destruction of property. Also, this causes the unavailability of food and safe drinking water. Hence, many people die of starvation in this case as well.