Distinguish between ‘intrinsic’ and ‘extrinsic’ semiconductors.

Intrinsic semiconductor:
Pure, natural semiconductors such as pure Ge and pure Si are examples of intrinsic semiconductors.
There are equal amounts of electrons and holes in it.
It has poor electrical conductivity.
Its conductivity is uncontrollable.
Temperature enhances its conductivity exponentially.

Extrinsic semiconductor:
It’s made by mixing a little amount of impurity with a pure semiconductor, such n- and p-type semiconductors.
Both concentrations are unequal in it. In n-type semiconductors, there are more electrons than holes, but in p-type semiconductors, there are more holes.
It has a very high electrical conductivity.
The amount of impurity injected may be adjusted to influence the conductivity.
Temperature enhances its conductivity, but not rapidly.

Final answer:
Intrinsic is pure and extrinsic is impure semiconductor.